Systems (PPM) Air quality system
Our health and wellbeing depend on the air that we breathe. In western countries, almost three quarters of the population lives in cities and is therefore exposed to a high concentration of polluting agents. MORE offers particularly efficient air filtering and renewal systems that help significantly reduce particulate and polluting agents that circulate in the rooms of our homes and workplaces.

The VMC Series is a system for the continuous and controlled renewal of air in an internal environment. Thanks to the efficiency of the heat recovery unit, it helps to reduce heat loss, decreasing costs for both heating and cooling. It also filters the air and guarantees its salubrity, both by limiting the accumulation of pollutants in the recirculated air and by improving the quality of the air taken from outside. It is ideal for modern, energy-efficient homes that are highly insulated, in order to avoid problems of humidity and mold, and in building renovations in order to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality. The VMC range also includes innovative and certified humidifiers in order to keep the indoor air healthy also in winter and to safeguard prestigious furnishings.

MORE smell free
more smell free, Patented solution that can be combined with controlled mechanical ventilation systems
Innovative wall- or ceiling-mounted extraction terminal capable of extracting air from both the room and the WC DHW system.
Patented solution that can be combined with controlled mechanical ventilation systems.