MORE PAD HV3 | Series 3958M

Series 3958M


  • Suitable for both masonry and plasterboard structures that are already thermally insulated and architecturally non-linear.
  • Suitable for finishes with: plaster, ceramic, stoneware, stone, marble and wood.
  • Overall dimensions (LxHxD): 680x1600x2 mm
    Active area size (WxHxD): 520x1500x2 mm
    Power supply: 230V AC
    Total initial power consumption: 180W
    Nominal temperature reachable at 20 °C: 45 °C
    Maximum temperature with almost total absence of heat exchange with the environment: 65 °C
    Reaction to fire: Class E, Efl UNI EN 13501-1;2019
    Electromagnetic compatibility directive certification
    Low voltage directive certification
  • The kit consists of:
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    Code Power supply Box Cat. €/m
    3958M0000 230V AC 1 70.08 ||3958M0000_LastPrice||

    Special finishes permitted: plasterboard, fibre-reinforced plaster with or without resin coating, tiles.

    It can be installed in the bathroom in zone 3, therefore 60 cm away from the shower or tub area.

    Pre-assembled module without insulation and finishing.

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